Hjälp till att rädda sakineh!

Sakineh Mohammadi Asthini kommer att bli stenad till döds. Efter 99 piskrapp erkände Sakineh att hon var skyldig till otrohet. Nu lever hon i ovisshet - kommer hon blir avrättad eller inte? Hela världen jobbar tillsammans nu. Jobbar tillsammans för att rädda Sakineh.

Du kan gå med i hennes Facebook grupp här, och det är viktigt att du gör det. Genom Amnesty kan man även skicka ett brev till Iran för att få dom att skona Sakineh. Jag har skickat in ett brev. Det fanns punkter man skulle ta med. Jag valde däremot att skriva från hjärtat, men att bädda in punkterna i texten på mitt sätt. Jag kan tänka mig att dessa män får hundratusentals förbannade brev och mail just nu.

"Your Excellency,

Remember that Sakineh is a loving and caring mother. Look at your own mother, your Excellency. Can you imagne her in Sakinehs shoes? Can you picture your own loving mother on the ground - fighting for her life? Can you see her crying out loud while hard stones are falling on her face? Can you imagine how your own mother, your own flesh and blood, would feel?

Sakineh confessed - after torture. Any woman would confess. Your own mother, sister, daughter or son would confess - just to make the pain go away for a little while, even though a confess would mean death. A woman who is guilty of adultery should not be a dead woman. A woman who is making a choice based on either love or lust shouldn't die because of it.

We are all brothers and sister, your Excellency. We should be able to live in this world together in peace and love - not killing each other because we think it's the right thing to do. So I am sending you this letter and I am asking you: Are you ready to be a part of Sakinehs death? The death of a loving mother, a fellow human being - a sister? Are you strong enough to carry the weight of a dead woman on your shoulders? A dead woman that the whole world praid for - and fought for?"


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